"Q - Cert from Anu"

Often natural rough stones are being heated to enhance their colour and burn out the impurities. Heating without any chemical component is approved by the International coloured Gemstone association. Some stones like rubies are heated with silica powder so enabling cracks being filled with silica (glass). Moreover rubies& sapphires are heated with beryllium that enhances colour and lustre and is detectable in lab testing. It is not commonly approved or accepted, so any such treatments ethically should be disclosed to the buyer. Other very commonly practised treatment is lead glass filling in cracks at a very high temperature, this is done in corundum group stones, it makes the stone fragile. Such commercially, named ‘glass filled stones’ are very economically available in the gem stone markets.

Another version of treatment is diffusion, in which outer layer of the stone is diffused with chemical colours, since it is in a thin outer layer, a simple re polishing process removes the colouring effect. We do not recommend to wear such treated or diffused stones for astrological purpose. The bio energy of such stones is completely disturbed and changed, so such stones cannot make their expected impacts on the wearer.

Gem testing labs check chemical components and natural origin of a stone, they do not look into bio energy of the stone neither investigate its quality. Many ones do not even specify whether the tested stone is being artificially treated by crack fillings, until demanded. To avoid any treated or artificially quality enhanced stone, ask for quality certificate (Q cert from ANU) let us take care of your interests fairly and trustfully.

Details of the quality grades are as below:

AA Grade

• Natural: a natural gemstone with a pleasant shade
• No Heat: No thermal enhancement
• Eye Clean: clean while seeing by naked eyes
• Translucent/Transparent: An eye catching Translucency/Transparency

A Grade

• Natural: a naturaly sourced stone, may gone through thermal enhancement
• Haeat : may be thermaly enhanced or without any heat treatment
• Eye Clean: A mostly eye-clean stone
• Translucent: Translucent or transparent
• Surface Clean: A clear and surface clean gemstone

B Grade

• Natural : a natural gem stone , may have thermal enhancement
• Surface Clean: This is a surface clean stone
• Small Inclusions: A stone with small inclusions
• Translucent/Opaque: A Translucent/Opaque shaded stone

C Grade

• Natural : a natural gemstone may be thermaly enhanced and other treaments like heated with berrilium
• Surface Clean: A surface cleaned stone
• Visible Inclusions: A stone with visible inclusions

D Grade

Natural: a naturally sourced stone, we have put all glass filled, diffusions and any other way treated stones under this category