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How does palmistry work?

Palmistry reveals individual personality and character traits through the study of the shape, size and lines of the hands and fingers. The practitioner (or the palm reader) examines the hand, its fingers, nails, lines.It is the art or practice of reading a person’s character or future from the lines on their palms. The shape of the hand, length of fingers, both individually and as a group, the fleshy pads of the hand known as mounts, the knuckles, flexibility of the thumb, the way the hand is held, its color, fingernails and other traits are all taken into account. It is grounded in the psychic belief that our palms have lines and curves that determine patterns on the different spheres of human life. These areas include love, career, emotional expressiveness and even success in career. There are different schools of palmistry and, therefore, the method of interpretation does vary. The three basic schools from which present day palmistry evolved are Indian, Chinese, and Western palmistry.

Indian Palmistry is known as Samudrika. The great Indian Masters put astrological signs into the palm of your hand and that’s why they have the Saturn Finger, the Mount of Moon, the Girdle of Venus and so on. In fact there are many interesting signs which are found in Indian Palmistry, such as the Temple of Fame and the Fish Mark.

Western Palmists also have studied palmistry in a scientific way. They divided palmistry into two divisions. The first division described as Chirognomy includes a study of consistency, flexibility, color of the palms, nails, fingers, thumb and mounts.The second division called Chiromancy includes lines and signs on the palm.
In China, palmistry also has a long history. Chinese Palmistry not only analyzes palm lines and hand appearance but also applies the Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) and Ba-gua theories on it to predict people’s fortune and personalities.Chinese Palmistry was combined with Physiognomy, or Face Reading. Chinese Physiognomy covers body reading, appearance reading, voice reading, foot reading and body movement reading.