
According to Vedic astrology there are 27 constellations made up of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses with each house and planet representing some aspect of human life, depending on date time and place of birth. This visual representation of the snapshot of the zodiac signs and planets is called a horoscope chart.

Scientific Basis of Astrology

Ancient Hindu literature is full of mythology related to zodiac signs, constellations (known as Nakshatras) and planets. However it is understood that the mythology was just a method that our ancient seers (Rishi) used to explain complex laws of physics and astronomy, which were beyond the comprehension of common people.

Indian Astrology

Vedic astrology shows the understanding of life, the journey of the spirit from past to present life, effects of karma on present life, deficiencies(dosha) and remedies.

Gem Stone

Gem stones play an important role in Vedic Astrology specifically for remedial and healing purposes. These are worn as a  beautiful ornament since ancient times. Equally throughout the history it has been used for healing and spiritual rituals. Though the gems are rare and exhibit great beauty, they are so precious  due to the power they impart to their wearers. They are store houses of cosmic energies, which is transmitted when the stone comes in contact with the wearer’s body. All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for therapeutic cures. They emit vibrations and frequencies which have strong potential influence on our whole being.

Our divine Earth is resourceful of minerals and gem stones. These are commonly known as Birth stones or Gemstones. They are precious or semi-precious type, depending upon their hardness, rarity and usefulness. Every planet of our solar system is related to a specific gemstone and that stone helps in balancing the effects of the planet upon the wearer of the stone.

Nine Precious Stones in Indian Gemology

Ruby (Manikya)



used with Metal

Sun, our soul

Ring Finger

Gold, Copper

Ruby  gives fame, virtue, vigor, warmth and commanding power to its user. It also enhances the status of a person. Ruby is pink and tones of red in color.

Pearl (Moti)



used with Metal

Moon, our mind

Little finger


Pearl is used to remove the negative effects of the moon. it strengthens the mental power and increases the good sleep and cures insomnia.

Red Coral (Moonga)



used with Metal

Mars, our efforts & protection

Ring Finger

Gold, Copper

It is said that Red Coral instills courage in its user. It also helps in curing blood related diseases and empower physical strength.

Emeralds (Panna)



used with Metal

Mercury, our communication skill

Little finger

Gold, Copper, silver

Emerald increases intelligence and brain power. It improves faculties related to brain such as memory, communication, intuition, the intellect and the ability to learn.

Diamond (Heera)



used with Metal

Venus (Shukra), Sex-Urge

Middle finger

Gold, silver

Diamond is associated with a luxurious life, love and romance. Diamond is also supposed to enhance the  fame and artistic quality of a person.

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)



used with Metal

Jupiter (Brihaspati), our spiritual teacher

Index finger


Yellow sapphire has very useful properties and is very important in Vedic gemstone recommendations. It has many healing powers and is very important in star signs. It is said that this gem increases financial status and administrative power. It will give wealth, good health, fame, honor and success.

Blue Sapphire (Neelam)



used with Metal

Saturn(shani), our duties, professional life & salvation

Middle finger


Blue sapphire removes evil effects of Saturn. It is said that blue sapphire has the magical power to elevate its user to a higher status from all sides. It could give you everything you desire such as health, wealth, longevity, happiness. It also restores lost wealth and property.

Hessonite (Gomedakam)



used with Metal


Middle finger


This Gem is for shadow planet Rahu. The Shadow Planet Rahu is supposed to be responsible for all sorts of delays or very late fulfillment of ambitions. Hessonite can help in achieving speedy success. Hessonite is normally reddish-chocolate in color. It cures diseases caused by affliction of Rahu and Saturn. It also increases appetite, vitality, confers good health, wealth, happiness and all sound prosperity.

Cat'sEye (Vaiduryamani)



used with Metal

Ketu, which represents our past karma

Middle finger


Cat’s eye is useful for eradicating evil influences of ketu and diseases given by Mars. This protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysterious dangers and diseases.

In Vedic astrology, gemstones are recommended based on your horoscope. It is believed that by wearing these prescribed stones you can overcome the obstacles in your astrological chart. The cause of unhappy relationship or lack of success can be effect of a certain planet in a horoscope. Wearing a certain gemstone can bring balance in  your love life and career.

Scientifically, Gem stones affect the subtle energy field, which emanates from every living being, and that creates  the pattern of our energy level and emotional habits, thought process and belief systems. The energy  of a gem directly affects one’s emotional and mental energies, and over a period of time this reaches long lasting changes.

We select Gems to increase the efficiency or for removal of deficiency. These remedial stones act in two ways; one is by its spectrum effects and other is by radioactive effects. When a ring is worn, the Gem goes on continuously vibrating its power which is absorbed in the individual aura. The protective aura thus becomes powerful to resist any untoward vibrations coming from external sources.

But the correct use of Gems is quite necessary. Gems are classified in to two types : Hot and Cold. Ruby, Red coral, Diamond and Cat’s eye are Hot gems whereas Pearl, Topaz, Blue Sapphire and hessonite are Cold in nature.

It is preferable to wear only a suitable gem stone according to your birth-chart, if you wear one that is not suitable for you, it may result in anti and negative effects. People want to know the right gemstones for them. Questions like why should I wear a gemstone, what is my lucky stone, what is the advantage of wearing a Gemstone, which gem stones should I wear, even which stone attracts wealth, how to choose the right Gemstone. Under what circumstances a Gemstone should be worn and why, etc. Such questions are common. we shall mention a basic introduction.

Suitable Gemstones for different Ascendants

It is evident that wearing a good quality and suitable gem stone would not only improve your health and mental stability but also improves your career, love life, rise and success in the times to come. Further more, it  improves your physical powers by giving a boost to your immunity and increases your will power & confidence.

Therefore, one should consult with an expert astrologer before wearing any gem stone that suits you according to the birth – chart. Also, do not forget to follow correct procedure while wearing a gemstone.

A general study on ascendant planet and recommended gem stone ( though astrologer’s advice should be taken)

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Sun and Jupiter are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Hence, person born under Aries can wear Red Coral, Ruby and Yellow Sapphire gemstones.

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus. Mercury and Saturn are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Saturn is Yogakaraka planet hence, is much beneficial. A person born under Taurus  can wear Diamond or Sapphire, Emerald and Blue Sapphire gemstones.

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini. Venus and Saturn are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Hence, person born under Gemini Ascendant can wear Emerald, Diamond and Blue Sapphire gemstones.

Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer. Mars and Jupiter are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Mars is the Yogakaraka planet for them hence, is much beneficial. A person born under Cancer Ascendant can wear Natural Pearl, Red Coral and Yellow Sapphire gemstones.

Sun is the ruling planet of Leo. Jupiter and Mars are beneficial planets for this ascendant. For this Ascendant, Mars is the Yogakaraka planet hence, is much beneficial. A person born under Leo Ascendant can wear Ruby, Yellow Sapphire and Red Coral gemstones.

Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo. Saturn and Venus are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Hence, person born under Virgo Ascendant can wear Emerald, Blue Sapphire and Diamond.

Venus is the ruling planet of Libra. Saturn and Mercury are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Saturn is Yogakaraka planet hence, is much beneficial. A person born under Libra Ascendant can wear Diamond, Blue Sapphire and Emerald gemstones.

Mars is the ruling planet of Scorpio. Jupiter and Moon are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Hence, person born under Scorpio Ascendant can wear Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire and natural Pearl.

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius. Mars and Sun are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Hence, person born under Sagittarius ascendant can wear Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral and Ruby gemstones.

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. Venus and Mercury are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Venus is Yogakaraka planet hence, is much beneficial. A person born under Capricorn Ascendant can wear Blue Sapphire, Diamond and Emerald gemstones.

Saturn is the ruling planet of Aquarius. Mercury and Venus are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Here, Venus becomes a Yogakaraka planet hence, is much beneficial. A person born under Aquarius Ascendant can wear Blue Sapphire, Emerald and Diamond or Sapphire gemstones

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Pisces. Moon and Mars are beneficial planets for this ascendant. Hence, person born under Pisces ascendant can wear Yellow Sapphire, Natural Pearl and Red Coral gemstones.

Every ascendant has a different ruling planet with a set of friendly planets. If you wear friendly gemstones, however, being beneficial or friendly planets does not mean that they will always remain beneficial. It rather should be testified by an expert astrologer, after carefully examining planetary positions, aspects and their strength. mostly three gemstones are found suitable for a ascendant. It is up to the consulting astrologer, to advice you to wear all three gemstones or two out of the three or only one. In some specific cases, astrologer may suggest you not to wear any gemstone because of  ill­ placement of a particular planet in your birth-chart.

Contradictory or Incompatible Gemstones

Which gem stones should not be worn together? Because wearing incompatible gem stones together would create a fuss. Hence, to avoid that situation and to enjoy the good fruits of your suitable gem stones, we need to know which gem stones are compatible with each other, and the other which are incompatible stones. Gem stones of the planets having enmity with each –other should not be worn together. The planets which share friendship with each-other, their gem stones should be worn together to improve their good results in your life.

Diamond or Hira

Diamond gem stone is ruled by planet Venus and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Venus are Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Therefore, if you are wearing Diamond, you should abstain from wearing Yellow Sapphire, Ruby and Pearl.

Hessonite or Gomed

It is ruled by planet Rahu and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Rahu are Sun and Moon. Therefore, If you are wearing Hessonite gem stone, you should not wear Ruby or Pearl gem stones.

Cat'sEye or vaiduryamani or Lehsunia

It is ruled by planet Ketu and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Ketu are Moon and Sun. Therefore, if you are wearing Hessonite, you should not wear Pearl or Ruby.

Blue Sapphire or Neelam

Neelam is ruled by planet Saturn and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Saturn are Sun, Moon, and Mars which rules Ruby, Pearl and Red Coral gem stones respectively. Therefore, if you are wearing Blue Sapphire gemstone, you should not wear Ruby , Pearl  and Red Coral with it.

Ruby or Manikya

It is ruled by planet Sun and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Sun are Venus and Saturn. Venus rules Diamond and Saturn rules Blue Sapphire. Therefore, if  you are wearing Ruby, you should not wear Blue Sapphire and Diamond.

Emerald or Panna

It is ruled by planet Mercury and as per Vedic Astrology, enemies of planet Mercury are Moon and Mars. Moon rules over Pearls and Mars rules over Red Coral. Therefore, if you are wearing Emerald, you should not wear Pearl and Red Coral.

Pearl or Moti

It is ruled by planet Moon and as per astrology, enemies of this planet are Rahu and Ketu. Rahu rules over Hessonite  and Ketu rules over Cat’sEye .Therefore, If you are going to wear Pearl, you should avoid wearing Hessonite and Cat’s Eye.

Red Coral or Moonga

Red Coral is ruled by planet Mars and as per astrology, enemies of planet Mars are Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Gem stones like Diamond, Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite or Garnet and Cat’sEye are ruled by these planets respectively. Therefore, if you ate going to wear Red Coral, you should avoid wearing above – mentioned non-compatible Gemstones.

Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj

Yellow Sapphire gem stone is ruled by planet Jupiter and as per Vedic  Astrology, enemies of planet Jupiter are Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Therefore, if you are wearing Yellow Sapphire gemstone, you should abstain from wearing Diamond, Emerald and Blue Sapphire.

Vedic Astrology Houses

Houses are areas of life. There are 12 houses that describe you and possible situations that can happen in your life. For Example:

Relative to your body, the Houses describe the certain organs and systems:

1st House                                          Your Look, health, and character.                                                                            General health, the head and the brain.
2nd House                                         Your livelihood, your childhood family and your speech.                         Face, mouth and throat.
3rd House                                          Your siblings.                                                                                                                       Lungs, shoulders and arms.
4th House                                          Your mother, your house and your vehicle.                                                      Breast and chest (also heart).
5th House                                          Your Children.                                                                                                                    Heart, stomach, liver, gall badder, pancreas, spleen and small intestine.
6th House                                          Your employment, your obstacles enemies and diseases.                       Large intestine and immune system. The general house of disease.
7th House                                          Your marriage.                                                                                                                   Kidneys.
8th House                                          Your sins, dark secrets, upheavals and changes.                                           Sexual organs and anus..
9th House                                          Your father, higher education and your luck.                                                  Things and hips.
10th House                                        Your career.                                                                                                                        Knees and spine.
11th House                                        Your achievements and all sources of income.                                              Legs.
12th House                                        Your long distance travel, secret pleasures and losses.                           Feet.

For example, When You Want to find out something about your marriage, you look at the 7th house; about your career at the 10th house.

Table of Gems, Tridosha, Cosmic Force, Color

Sun Sign Qualities